Watching the best pizza movies goes well with a tasty Zia Lucia pizza | Zia Lucia
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Watching the best pizza movies goes well with a tasty Zia Lucia pizza



Pizza and movies: a perfect match

Having a pizza at home while watching a movie with your friends or family is undoubtedly one of the best ways to spend a relaxing and amusing night. Movies and pizza are also connected under a different point of view: in many iconic movie scenes, in effect, pizza plays a main role and gives a peculiar taste, if we may use this term, to the action.

There are hundreds of famous pizza scenes in film history probably because this kind of food is part of life for many of us, ranging from school days to the old age. If it is true that cinema tells of life, then, it is no wonder that it also speaks of pizza in many famous scenes of all kinds of films.

Zia Lucia pizza restaurants in Aldgate East, Wembley, Hammersmith, Islington and Wandsworth serve tasty Italian pizza with 4 different types of dough and they can be your best allies to build a great pizza and movie night. We are ready, at any time, to satisfy your craving for pizza with many different toppings combined with our famous 4 doughs, but today we are willing to mention famous films in which pizza is the protagonist.


The popular charm of pizza

Pizza, as we said before, is a daily food for many people and it can also be the main item in a party or in a family night at home and that’s the reason why it belongs to a big amount of popular movie scenes.

We can start, for example, from one of the most famous scenes in film history, the opening credits sequence of 1977’s “Saturday Night Fever” in which John ravolta asks a couple slices from Lenny’s Pizza on 86th Street in Brooklyn. Pizza is a popular food indeed – and that’s the main reason why Tony Manero eats it – and hence pizzerias often become crossroads of stories, as depicted in 1988’s “Mystic Pizza”. In this iconic movie Julia Roberts plays the role of a pizzeria waitress in Mystic, Connecticut, among the Portuguese community, and so the sentimental lives of the characters are displayed with the background of a lot of tasty pizza dishes.

Another famous pizza movie location in cinema history is the Italian-American Sal’s Pizzeria in Brooklyn that becomes in 1989 the stage on which racial tensions and prejudices are shown in “Do The Right Thing”, the intense Spike Lee‘s breakthrough movie.


Tradition and fantasy

There’s no doubt that Italy is the homeland of pizza – and it’s not by chance that Zia Lucia‘s founders are both Italians – and this traditional link is often underlined in many famous pizza scenes, showing film characters eating pizza precisely while visiting Italy. We can mention a second time Julia Roberts and her role as Elizabeth Gilbert in 2010’s “Eat, Pray, Love” when she savours a traditional Neapolitan pizza during the Italian part of her experiential journey around the world.

Pizza, therefore, is not only an item in food movies, but appears also in many films of any kind and so we can see iconic pizza scenes in a number of famous movies. The colourful Pizza Planet and its delivery truck, for example, play a major role in “Toy Stories” series of movies while in “Back to the Future Part II” the writers imagine a 2015 in which we’d be buying dehydrated pizzas from a well-known brand and we’d be cooking them in few seconds with Black & Decker Hydrators. We are truly glad that this prediction had missed the point, and you?

Even in horror movies as “Nightmare on Elm Street”, in action thriller films as “The Net” or in a comedy or superhero movie as “Wayne’s Word” and “Spider-Man 2” we can see the protagonist ordering, delivering or eating pizza in many different situations. There’s no doubt, in effect, that pizza belongs to famous and popular movies just because pizza belongs to everyday life itself.


Which kind of pizza?

As we said before there are many pizza scenes in every kind of classic movies, but which types of pizza are depicted in these films? In many of them, obviously, we can see the typical American-style pizza that is a daily food for a lot of families in the US, but one can also mention some example of famous Italian pizza scenes, as we can see in the amazing film “Eat, Pray, Love”.

At Zia Lucia we know very well that pizza and movies are deeply linked, as we said, because they are both connected with our very lives and so we offer our customers a digestible, but tasty product, suitable to everyday nutrition. In our pizza restaurant in Wembley, Aldgate East, Islington, Hammersmith and Wandsworth we prepare 4 kind of dough that can all be served with typical Italian toppings as spianata spicy salami, Parma ham, gorgonzola cheese, fresh burrata and red onions, giving you a culinary experience worthy of an Oscar!

And talking about movies.. we are glad that Danny De Vito is a regular customer of Zia Lucia and loves our 4 types of dough!
